姓 名:钱鹏
职 称:副研究员
职 务:
邮 箱:pqian@hfut.edu.cn
电 话:
现为williamhill威廉希尔官网副研究员, 主要从事量子信息与器件领域的教学与科研工作。
1. 合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划B项目,2023/4-2024/12, 20万,在研。
2. 国家自然科学青年科学基金,2019/10-2022/12,27万,结题。
3. 合肥工业大学人才引进科研启动经费,2018/11-2023/11,20万,在研。
1. P Qian, Y Ma, H Zhang, Y Zhang, J Geng, JW Fan, B Chen. Investigation of spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride generated via ion implantation. Optics Express, 32 (26), 46489-46499 (2024).
2. R Zhang, Y Ye, F Liu, J Geng, B Zhu, P Qian, B Chen. Effective and robust quantum state tomography of electron-nuclear spins in diamond by time-resolved fluorescence. Applied Physics Letters 125 (7) (2024).
3. HX Xiao, W Jiang, P Qian, H Li, Z Li, H Shen, B Chen. Dynamical topological quantum phase transitions in high-order topological systems. Physical Review B, 110 (6), 064306 (2024).
4. X Zhu, H Wu, B Chen, T Yu, P Qian, JW Fan, B Chen. Joint quantum sensing of vector magnetic field and temperature with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, Applied Physics Letters, 123 (24) (2023).
5. B Chen, B Chen, X Zhu, J Fan, Z Yu, P Qian, N Xu. Sensitivity-enhanced magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy ensembles via adaptively complete transitions overlapping. Review of Scientific Instruments, 93 (12) (2022).
6. P Qian, Y Zhai, J Hu, R Zheng, B Chen, N Xu. Multicolor-illuminated charge-state dynamics of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Physical Review A, 106 (3), 033506 (2022).
7. F Ge, B Chen, Y Wang, F Zhou, R Zheng, X Yang, P Qian, N Xu. A wideband balun-based microwave device for quantum information processing with nitrogen–vacancy centers in diamond. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40 (23), 7572-7577 (2022).
8. Qian P, Lin X, Zhou F, Ye R, Ji Y, Chen B, Xie G, Xu N. Machine-learning-assisted electron-spin readout of nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Applied Physics Letters, 118 (8) (2021).
9. Qian, P., Gu, Z., Wen, R., Zhang, W., & Chen, J. F. Temporal interference with frequency-controllable long photons from independent cold atomic sources. Physical Review A, 97(1), 013806. (2018).
10. Qian, P., Gu, Z., Cao, R., Wen, R., Ou, Z. Y., Chen, J. F., & Zhang, W. Temporal purity and quantum interference of single photons from two independent cold atomic ensembles. Physical Review Letters, 117(1), 013602. (2016).